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March 22nd - 24th at Harvavrd Kennedy School

Topic Group Presentations

Diagnoses of bacterial infection and anti-microbial

resistance (AMR) (TG-Bacteria)
Driver: Nada Malou (MSF, France)


Use of AI in cardiovascular disease management (TG-Cardio)

Driver: Benjamin Muthambi (IEPH/Institutes of Epidemiology & Public Health, South Africa​)

TG-Cardio Sub-topic: Risk Predictions

Denta​l diagnostics and digital dentistry (TG-Dental)

​Drivers: Falk Schwendicke (Charité Berlin, Germany), Joachim Krois (dentalXrai , Germany)​, Tarry Singh (, ​​Netherlands)​​

Dermatology (TG-Derma)
Driver: Harsha Jayakody​ (Flash Health, Sri Lanka​)​


Primary and secondary diabetes prediction (TG-Diabetes)

Driver: Andrés Valdivieso (​, Chile)

AI for Endoscopy (TG-Endoscopy) 
Driver: Jianrong Wu (Tencent Healthcare, China)


AI-based detection of falsified medicine (TG-FakeMed)

Driver: Franck Verzefé (TrueSpec-Africa, DRC)

​Falls among the elderly (TG-Falls)
Driver: Inês Sousa (Fraunhofer Portuga​l), Pierpaolo Palumbo (University of Bologna, Italy)

Histopathology (TG-Histo)
Driver: Frederick Klauschen (Charité Berlin, Germany)


Human reproduction and fertility (TG-Fertility)
Co-drivers: Susanna Brandi and Eleonora Lippolis​ (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany)​

Malaria detection (TG-Malaria)

Driver: Rose Nakasi (Makerere University, Uganda)

Maternal and child health (TG-MCH)
Drivers: Alexandre Chiavegatto Filho (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Musculoskeletal medicine (TG-MSK)
Drivers: ​​​​​Peter Grinbergs​ (EQL, UK), Yura Perov ​​​


Neurological disorders (TG-Neuro)

Driver: Ferath Kherif​ (CHUV, Switzerland), Marc Lecoultre (ML Labs, Swit​zerland)​

Ophthalmology (TG-Ophthalmo)
Driver: Arun Shroff (MedIndia)

Outbreak detection (TG-Outbreaks)

Drivers: ​Auss Abbood​ (Robert Koch Institute, Germany), Alexander Ullrich​ (RKI), ​Khahlil Louisy and Alexander Radunsky (Institute for Technology & Global Health, ITGH, US)​

Point-of care diagnostics (TG-POC)​
Driver: Nina Linder (University of Helsinki, Finland)​


Psychiatry (TG-Psy)

Driver: Nicolas Langer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Radiology (TG-Radiology) 

Driver: Darlington Ahiale Akogo​ (minoHealth AI Labs, Ghana)

​Snakebite and snake identification (TG-Snake)
Driver: Rafael Ruiz de Castaneda (UniGE, Switzerland)


Symptom assessment (TG-Symptom)

Driver: Henry Hoffmann (Ada Health, Germany) and Martin Cansdale (Healthily​)

Tuberculosis (TG-TB)

Driver: Manjula Singh (ICMR, India)

Traditional Medicine (TG-TM)

Driver: Saketh Thrigulla​ (Ministry of Ayush, India)


Volumetric chest computed tomography (TG-DiagnosticCT)

Driver: Kuan Chen (Infervision, China)

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